In this quick 5 min solo talk, Lucy inspires about something that truly changed her life and has the power to shift your perspective on life and transform your life as well, and that is: Everything is temporary.
Tune in for a quick dose of inspiration.
Today, I want to talk about something that truly changed my life and has the power to shift your perspective on life and transform your life, and that is: Everything is temporary.
I know that might sound like anxiety at first. But stay with me, because I believe this truth can be one of THE most important THE most empowering realizations we can have.
Welcome back to The Lucy Liu Show, the space where we cultivate confidence, joy, and purpose. I’m your host LL, and let’s talk about this.
Everything we experience — our emotions, our struggles, our successes, and even our very existence, our life — is temporary. And while that might seem intimidating at first, it’s actually an invitation to live more fully and freely.
Think about the tough moments in your life. When was the last time you experienced a heartbreak, loss, failure of some sort, or self-doubt. Remember how at that time, they felt extremely overwhelming, like they would last forever. But the truth is they didn’t. You moved through them. You healed. You grew.
And just as the hard times are temporary, so are the beautiful moments. The laughter, the deep connections, the victories—this doesn’t mean we should fear their impermanence. It just means we should cherish them more. Be more present. Soak each moment in.
When we embrace the temporary nature of everything, we free ourselves from fear. We stop clinging so tightly to things we can not control. We take more chances, we speak up, we love more deeply, and we show up for ourselves in ways we never have before.
I want to challenge you today—take one step forward, however small, take one small step forward toward something that matters to you. Doesn’t matter what it is.
Oh but be careful for one thing though while you are moving forward, what you say to yourself is permanent! The negative things you say to put yourself down might have a permanent effect on your self esteem. The negative self talk going on inside of your head may affect you not just temporarily. So because now that you’ve learned that everything in life is temporary, be very aware of what you say to yourself after circumstances happen.
So, let me ask you this:
What would you do differently today if you truly accepted that nothing lasts forever?
Would you stop holding yourself back from taking that next step in your journey?
Would you forgive yourself a little faster?
Would you finally start that project, business, or conversation you’ve been putting off?
Don’t wait for the perfect time. The perfect time is now.
And if this episode resonated with you, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Send me a message, share this episode with a friend, or take a screenshot and tag me on social media @mslucyliu .
Let’s remind each other that every season—good or bad—is just that: a season.
Thank you for spending this time with me today. If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss the next episode.
Until next time, keep embracing confidence, cultivate joy, and live fully—because this moment?
It’s temporary, and it’s beautiful.
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