167 Know Like Trust With Girl Means Business Kendra Swalls

Kendra Swalls is the founder of Girl Means Business brand and host of her podcast Girl Means Business.  Now she helps women, like you, take their business from survival-mode to success-mode using the same relationship marketing strategies that have been the foundations for her business success.

Things you will learn in this episode:

  • How to let people like you
  • How like happens through connection
  • Why people trust
  • And much more…

167 Know Like Trust With Girl Means Business Kendra Swalls

166. Why People Fail To Reach Goals

This is the season we set new year’s resolutions and goals, so let’s talk about why are people failing to reach their goals? Because this is one of the top questions I get asked.

There are so many reasons why people may fail to reach their goals but the top reasons include:

  1. Lack of motivation or discipline: It can be hard to maintain the motivation and discipline needed to consistently work towards a goal, especially if the goal is difficult or requires a long-term commitment. It’s so much easier to stay motivated in Janurary, but once Feb. comes around, much of the motivation dies. So by that point it’s no longer about being motivated, it’s more about just taking action, consistent actions, aligned actions. 
  2. Lack of a clear plan: Without a clear plan or roadmap for how to achieve a goal, it can be difficult to stay on track and make progress. 
  3. Lack of resources: Some goals may require resources such as time, money, or support from others, and if these resources are not available, it can be challenging to make progress towards the goal. So be honest with yourself, do you have the support system you need to get to where you want to go. Don’t have enough time? That’s BS we will always have time for our top priorities, so manage your priorities! No money? That’s BS there are tons of way to get funds, you will find funding if you truly wanted to. Don’t have a support system? Have you invested yourself in a coach or coaching program? 
  4. Unrealistic expectations: Setting overly ambitious goals or expecting too much of oneself can lead to disappointment and a lack of progress.
  5. External circumstances: Sometimes, external factors such as illness, unexpected changes in one’s personal or professional life, or other unforeseen events can make it difficult to achieve a goal.
  6. The name “goal” itself is hard to accomplish. Think of the world cup, world’s top teams come together and many teams still score zero. Because we have goalies (self doubt & inner criticism etc) stopping us from reaching the goal. Rename the goal to something else. Intentions etc. 
  7. I think the most important one is not having enough fun. If you are having enough fun while reaching your goals it’s alot easier to get there. 

Ultimately, the specific reasons why a person may fail to reach a goal will depend on their individual circumstances and the specific goal they are trying to achieve. But always remember circumstances are neutral and we get to determine if we put a positive or negative spin on these circumstances that come up in life. 

So let’s wrap up with what we should do to reach our new year’s resolution or goals:

  1. Find out what truly motivates you and set a reward accordingly. Find the best modality that keeps you motivated and even when motivation is not present, keep yourself disciplined.
  2. Reverse engineer and set up a clear plan for your top priorities for the year, then month. 
  3. Seek out help, resources are readily available everywhere, keep an open mind for help and opportunities. 
  4. Set SMART goals. 
  5. When external circumstances arise, fix the strategy or work ahead of schedule to avoid illness etc. 
  6. Change the name of your goal to something that speaks more joy to you. 
  7. Have more fun. Make a list of how you can have more fun. 



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165 Powerful Subtle Shifts With Colleen Avis

Colleen Avis is an Integrative Life Coach, Yoga Guide, Mindfulness Mentor and best selling author of Sacred Spaces: Subtle Shifts To Mind Body and Home Transformations.

Colleen Avis, certified Chopra Life Coach, and Ayurveda and Mindfulness Mentor has spent the last decade guiding clients to create spaces they love to live in – mind, body, and home. She embraces the whole person and believes all our spaces are beautifully intertwined. Her approach is holistic, unique, non-judgmental and offers an informed perspective. Colleen knows her most powerful tools are the ones she has integrated into her life over the last decade by transforming through her own experiences and openly bringing her life lessons, struggles, and transformative tools to her clients.
In addition to her Chopra certifications, Colleen is a Yoga Medicine yoga teacher, integrative NLP practitioner, and studying to complete her SOMA Breathe holistic health coach certification.

Things you will learn in this episode:

  • What does it mean to make subtle shifts
  • Challenges and life obstacles created the greatest growth in her life
  • And much more…
The Lucy Liu Show 165 Powerful Subtle Shifts With Colleen Avis

164 Six Secrets To Mindset Shifts With Victoria Radar

Victoria Radar is a Possibility Coach™, transformational speaker, founder of YU2SHINE, internationally best-selling author of Prosper mE: the 35 Universal Laws to Make Money Work for You (and three other books), creator of Empower-mE and Master-mE apps, founder of Free mE EFT and Quantum Freedom.

Through thousands of client sessions and seminars, Victoria has witnessed that the cap to one’s fulfillment is defined by their subconscious programming. As a result, she created products and services with a unique success formula of healing one’s heart, freeing one’s mind, and expanding one’s skills to see, create and live a life of limitless possibilities. internationally best-selling author of Until You Win, Until You Shine, Manifest mE journal, Ignite Your Wisdom, creator of Empower-mE and Maser-mE apps, founder of the Quantum Freedom movement, and creator of  Free-mE ™ EFT, Victoria is excited to share her newest book Prosper mE™: the 35 Universal Laws to Make Money Work for You. Her mission is to both awaken and empower you to your life of limitless possibilities and prosperity.

Things you will learn in this episode:

Six Secrets To Mindset Shifts

  1. Imagination
  2. Intuition
  3. Memory
  4. Perception
  5. Reason
  6. Will
The Lucy Liu Show Podast 164 Six Secrets to Mindset Shifts With Victoria Radar

163 How to Get Back on Track When You Don’t Reach Goals

How to Get Back on Track When You Don’t Reach Goals

Oh my goodness beautiful souls, can you believe it? It is already December 1st! Happy December! Happy holidays! It is starting to feel like Christmas and it’s a perfect time to do those goal settings for the coming year, or even for the next 3 years. 

However, this is also a time where you might find yourself in a situation where you realize you have not accomplished some of the things you set yourself to do this year, or you find yourself off-target. Remember it’s not time to beat yourself up, but instead, it is time to simply get back on track. 

I know it can be frustrating to think about how motivated you were in January but then, life happens and for whatever reason, you fell off track and were unable to reach your goals, just remember that life happens to all of us and you are not alone. 

The most important thing is to always remember that although you failed to reach your goal, you’re not a failure yourself. Don’t take anything personally. Instead, use this time as an opportunity to recalibrate and consider what you can do immediately going forward because there is still one month time. 

Sometimes, the reason for falling off-track has to do with motivation. It’s nearly impossible to maintain the same level of motivation you had in January in July, or for some even in February. Over time, motivation wears off until you’ve forgotten why you were so motivated in the first place. 

Zig Ziglar said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” 

Are you reviewing your goals and targets regularly? Are you thinking about your goals and targets daily? Make sure you can remember what you’re even shooting for. 

Also, reconnect as often as possible with your Why, knowing your why will give you the surge of motivation you need to continue on the path to reaching your goals. 

Some good questions to ask yourself are:

Were you close to achieving your goal? 

Being very close or miles off would lead to completely different approaches on how to move forward. 

Why did you fall short? 

Was it losing motivation? Losing focus? Or did you realize it wasn’t a true priority. Because we always have time for our true priorities, even in times of crises. 

Could you have done something differently? 

So all these questions will help you assess what happened, and this assessment is the first step to getting back on track. 

Then you can brainstorm new approaches or set new deadlines. Goals will always be goals unless you create an action plan. So make sure you actually have an action plan and take immediate action, even if that means messy actions.

Another question to ask yourself is: 

Do I have all the resources I need to accomplish this goal? 

That could lead to purchasing a course or finding a coach who has already accomplished your goal so that you will have more of a guarantee to hit that goal as well. 

If something isn’t working in your life or business right now, waiting is not going to make it better. Pull the bandage off and end whatever isn’t working. It’s never too late to turn the tide and there is no way that waiting a month or waiting until next year will make things better. 

Maybe we can’t be bullseye every single time, but that’s why it’s still important to have a target, at least you will know what you’re shooting for, where you need to be shooting at and trust me consistency in shooting for that target will pay off. 

I’m gonna end this episode with one of my favorite quotes by Will Rogers “even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there” So get back on track, and let’s move it. 





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