154 Making More Sales With Jennifer Gitomer

Guest featured in this episode:

As a kid, Jennifer watched her parents and other successful business owners reach a high level of success by working their butts off… ALL.THE.TIME.  When she became an entrepreneur in 2013, she thought that was the only way to reach success.
Jen hustled hard and worked long hours. Until she cracked the entrepreneurial success-code with her Sales Success Formula. Jennifer now teaches these strategies in her Breakthrough Sales Coaching Program and Mastermind.

Jennifer co-hosts the Sell or Die podcast with her husband Jeffrey (almost 3 million downloads), and has a podcast entitled Breakthrough Babe. She has written a best-selling book entitled Sales in a New York Minute that contains 212 pages of real-world, easy to implement sales strategies.Her mission is to help entrepreneurs create time and financial freedom – to help them build a business that supports their dreams, rather than building their lives around their business.

When she’s not coaching entrepreneurs, podcasting, or running her business, you’ll find Jen playing tennis or hanging out with her amazing step-daughter and husband, Cavalier King Charles fur babies, and family.

Things you will learn in this episode:

  • How she got into sales coaching
  • How she gained confidence to sale
  • What is the most difficult sale you have made and lessons learned?
  • What’s the best way to handle rejection?
  • How do you know when to stop following up?
  • Top common mistakes in sales 
  • tech hacks to help people make more sales
  • And so much more…
p154 Make More Sales With Jen Gitomer
Connect with Jennifer Gitomer

153 Speak To Inspire Like A Leader With Julia Kraft

Guest featured in this episode:

Julia Beauchamp Kraft is the founder of the public speaking training company, Speak To Inspire. Founded in 2014, Speak To Inspire has trained 1000’s of entrepreneurs and professionals as well as 100’s of companies like Linked In, Salesforce, ZScaler, Twitter, etc. She is passionate about helping smart professional women who are experts at what they do but tend to freeze up, shrink down and get self-conscious when the spotlight turns to them.

She helps them to cultivate comfort in their skin, come across as the authority they are and turn high-quality information into inspiring presentations.

Things you will learn in this episode:

  • How to overcome tendency to shrink down
  • What should introverted women be doing regularly to cultivate
  • How can women be seen as leaders without acting like men?
  • Mindset shift when you don’t feel your story is inspiring
  • And so much more…
153 Speak To Inspire Like A Leader With Julia Kraft
Connect with Julia Kraft

152 How To Get Juicy Testimonials For Marketing With Erin Ollila

Guest featured in this episode:

Conversion copywriter. Copywriting coach. Word slinger. Wing woman.
No matter what you call her, Erin Ollila’s job is to step in and show the world just how incredible her clients truly are.

With over 15 years of publishing experience and an MFA in Creative Writing, she gets what it takes to ideate, create, and implement smart SEO website copy and strategic content campaigns.

When Erin’s not cheering on creatives and service-based entrepreneurs or hosting the Talk Copy to Me podcast, you can catch her indulging in ice cream and spending time with her family in southeastern MA.

Things you will learn in this episode:

  • From copywriter point of view, What makes a good customer testimonial?
  • Get the timing right. When is the best time to get this testimonial?
  • Provide multiple options to make it easy for them.
  • Customize your template.
  • Give them the option to keep their testimonial short and sweet.
  • Pose simple questions that yield nice customer quotes.
  • Give customers a reason to say yes.
  • Prepare a testimonial page on your website.
  • And so much more…
152 Juicy Testimonials Erin Ollila
Connect with Erin Ollila

151 Slow Down To Accomplish More

Slow Down To Accomplish More!

Yup, it sounds backwards, but slowing down is actually a faster way to accomplish more.

Go faster. Do more. Hustle. Hustle. Chase the next level, chase the next shiny object.

I’ve been there myself. I worked way too hard in my twenties. I remember so clearly those days working until 11pm. I even have memories of working until 5am the next day. But then I started to worry. I was afraid that in all my busyness, I would be missing out on the most beautiful parts of life. While many personal coaches and social-media influencers flash their private jets, fancy cars and hustle lifestyle, truly successful leaders and entrepreneurs who are actually happy and creating lasting results in their lives know that slowing down builds the true foundation for their success. It took me a decade to learn the true importance of slowing down to accomplish more and I want that for you. 

I schedule time to do nothing on purpose. I went on vacation with my family and feel absolutely no guilt for not working when I’m on vacation. I encourage you to unapologetically incorporate periods of stillness to help you ensure enhanced productivity and well-being.

When slowing down, focus on what’s truly important in life. When we live busy and distracted lives, we lose sight of the people and things that matter most to us. Slow down and re-evaluate your values and priorities every 6 months or so. Re-evaluate if your current routine is helping you stay healthy, both mentally and physically. 

For example Psychologists and doctors are talking about this new condition called hurry sickness, which is a form of modern day anxiety fueled by our constant state of rushiness, trying to squeeze in just one more thing into your already packed schedules. And this starts first thing in the morning. Do you rush to get up when the alarm rings? Or do you get up slowly from bed? Instead of rolling straight out of bed and into your life, set your alarm clock earlier and take time to welcome the day. Spend a few minutes of gentle stretching on bed, listen to a motivational speech to start your morning, make your bed and remove any rush and set the tone for the rest of your day.

When you drive and get on the road, intentionally slow down and actually drive the speed limit, is it hard? If it’s tough, if you want to beat traffic, if you are thinking about how to beat Google Map by a couple minutes, it’s time to slow down and force yourself to slow down. When you physically slow down you can begin to train your mind to mentally slow down. And when you’re at peace of mind, you’ll start to see sceneries and opportunities you otherwise miss. If you want to go a little further, take some time and spend it in silence. In our noisy world, silence is something we must intentionally choose to do. I’ve gone on silent retreats in the past where we don’t talk for a weekend and let me tell you that until this day that experience is still very eye-opening when I think about it. 

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” 

― Lao Tzu

When you slow down, you are able to make good decisions, and better decisions than if your mind was more occupied. When you slow down and engage in activities that are slower paced like meditation, brain fog clears away and you see clarity and clarity is priceless. Once you stop rushing through life, you will be amazed how much more life you have time for. You will be amazed how much more productive you become because now you value your precious time more, leaving your precious time for your true values and priorities. 

Slow down and be your best. Life is not a race. It’s a playground to radiate your uniqueness and shine your light.

So have fun on your journey to slowing down yet accomplishing more. 


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150 Importance Of Taking A Break In Life

You can do anything, but not everything at once, so learn to give yourself breaks when you need them the most. Taking a break increases focus when I return to work, thus improving my productivity. Additionally, taking breaks relieves any stress, which helps our mental health and well-being. These factors contribute to increased life satisfaction and are essential to living an epic life. 

What does taking a break look like? It can look like alot of different forms:

  1. Unplug and reset. Shut down electronic distractions. Get away from notifications and emails and spend some time in the real world or in your own mind.
  2. Being aware. Lamens terms Quiet the monkey. Doing too many things at once you become restlessly jumping around or you are on autopilot. Take some quiet time to be aware of your thoughts. Re-focus and bring your subconscious mind into the conscious mind. 
  3. Take a vacation. Take time to clear your mind and de-stress by doing something or going somewhere that brings you joy that relaxes you. A vacation can help you restore, regroup, and reassess.
  4. Learn something new. Doing the same things over and over again every day can become daunting or boring. Try something new and get a hobby that has absolutely nothing to do with your work, best to be the complete polar opposite of what you do for work. 
  5. Create something. Build or paint or draw, put together a jigsaw puzzle. Do some of the things you normally wouldn’t do because you never have the time but now you can set a time to complete this project. 

6.Take a break from the news. The news is often filled with all kinds of depressing information. 

  1. Eat all your meals without rushing. Intentionally eat every meal slowly, mindfully, gratefully, and gracefully savoring every single bite.
  2. Worrying. Give yourself a break from worrying. The truth is, worry is a waste of time: It saps your energy, and it doesn’t make anything better.  Quote: 
  3. Change up the scenery. Take a drive, leave town, fly somewhere new. Give yourself a chance to explore your surroundings and yourself.
  4. Remove yourself from negative people. Even if it means those you love–you can always re-engage tomorrow.

I Stand For Taking A Break Whenever You Want, I stand for taking a sabbatical to experience life. I also stand for: 

  • Calm, compassionate & confident
  • Slowing down to accomplish more
  • Start before your feel ready
  • *Give yourself the sign (look for signs)
  • Take Imperfect Action (imperfection is perfection) 
  • Uncertainty is the only true certainty 
  • Making money should be a byproduct of what you love to do 
  • Making fast decisions 
  • Simple wins 
  • First step is to make a firm decision, 2nd step is to believe your decision, 3rd step is to take action, 
  • Fun is a priority 
  • Attending to all non-negotiables before work

Stand Against: 

  • Having to be loud or aggressive to be compassionate & confident
  • Hustling & burnout
  • Waiting until everything is perfect 
  • Making more money (doing something you don’t love) 
  • Making millions and can’t sleep at night

Announcement: to take a summer break for the podcast and complete new freebie.

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