155 How Being Lazy Can Improve Your Life
How Being Lazy Can Improve Your Life
When I was younger, I thought being lazy was bad, I thought I needed to work my butt off in order to see results. Although hustling did work for me and brought me success in early life. However, it also led me to burnout. Society brainwashes us that if we are not hustling, we are being lazy. But today I want to debunk this myth and say that there’s always both sides to a story and when we look at things with a different perspective, we become open to accepting new opportunities and an improved life. I think the truth is there are definitely benefits to laziness and that being lazy can even help you improve your life.
Now first I need to say we must rule out that the so-called “Laziness” I’m talking about here and the lack of motivation are not red flags of underlying health disorders. Certain physical causes such as high blood sugar or depression or chronic inflammation of course can lead to laziness but when you are in good health and feeling lazy, don’t hate yourself for feeling that way.
Of course we all know that being lazy has a bad reputation, we see so many billionaires or CEOs talk about how they wake up at 5am and are always working hard. But did you know there is also scientific data that backs up the idea that those with higher IQ actually get bored less easily and therefore leading them to be less active physically and spend more time in their thoughts. Bill Gates has been quoted many times that he chooses lazy people to do hard jobs because lazy people will find an easy way to do it.
Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerburg are known to the public as prolific gamers, they enjoy their down time playing video games but that doesn’t make them lazy at all, and on the contrary they are even more productive when they are working and coming up with new ideas for their company. So if you love to binge watch TV, go ahead, that doesn’t make you lazy, it just means you will have to find a way to be even more productive when you are actually working.
Life is made up of all our decisions and our decisions lead to our life experience.
Being lazy is now my intention and decision because I choose to be a strategic thinker.
I’m all in when it comes to taking imperfect action towards my ultimate goals because success loves speed, but I’m against wasteful scattered actions.
I prefer fun and efficient processes so that I can be lazy and also enjoy all activities that bring me joy.
So I will continue to be lazy so that I can find the quickest ways to do things.
I will continue to be lazy for the tasks that I rather have someone else do the work for me aka delegating without guilt.
I will continue to be lazy so that I get to do what I want instead of what is required by society.
So as you can see, in all these ways, laziness has actually helped me improve my life and I hope that anytime you feel lazy in the future, don’t beat yourself up about it, but instead, reflect on how this situation can actually help improve your life.