89 How To Stop Overthinking
Definition: Think about (something) too much or for too long. What’s even worse? Spending more time on thinking about if you are overthinking or why you are overthinking. Then we begin to make up problems that don’t even exist. If you consistently focus on ruminating and making it a habit, it becomes a loop, And the more you do it, the harder it is to stop this loop. Many times, overthinking is a very sneaky form of fear that’s less obvious than fear.
Of course we don’t want to make snap decisions in life without research, but we don’t want to overthink either. Why do we need to stop overthinking on the spot? Because for the least, it steals your happiness, creativity, time and goals. It’s very normal to have some tendencies to overthink and as long as we are aware, we can change the narrative and stop overthinking. But if we don’t stop overthinking, in serious cases it can lead to many mental health issues like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress or even borderline personality disorder.
So how can we stop overthinking?
- Make a decision – Make firm and committed decision to stop overthinking – add ex
- Awareness. Notice when you are stuck in your own head. Overthinking can become such a habit that you don’t even recognize when you’re doing it most of the time. However, if you are conscious and committed to this change, I promise you will start to catch yourself when it happens.
- Switch focus. What you focus on grows. So keep your focus on problem-solving instead of the problem itself.
- Challenge your thoughts. Our perception of things is our own narrative in our heads and the good news is that narratives can be changed. So when you notice your overthinking thoughts, challenge them, opposite them to positive and abundant thoughts.
- Learn skills to help you through these times. All skills in life are like muscles to be worked on. If you need more mindfulness in your life, practice yoga, meditation, breathworks or whatever modality that you find helpful to gain muscle in that area that you need to improve.
- Schedule time for reflection. I will probably talk about the importance of reflection in life for another episode, but for now I’m just gonna say it’s ok to think and that I even encourage you to schedule time for thinking. But that type of thinking is beneficial and that is to reflect. Reflect on how far you have come, how much you have already accomplished, what you have learned and how you can improve yourself. Reflection is meant to help you move forward not to stop you on your tracks. Remember the quote that even if you are on the right tracks, you’ll get run over if you just stand there.
If you are healthy, you are free to dream hundreds of dreams. When you are unhealthy, you can only have one dream and that is to be healthy again. So if you are here with me and you are in good health today, take action towards your dreams and stop overthinking.