80 How to Overcome Perfectionism
As an ex perfectionist myself, the topic of how to overcome perfectionism is very keen to my heart.
The rise in perfectionism is so troubling that numerous scientific studies found that high levels of perfectionism were correlated with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, self-harm or other obsessive-compulsive disorders. You might think being a little bit of Ms Perfect is part of your personality but let me tell you that everything you ever wanted is on the other side of perfection.
If you are procrastinating, you might be chasing perfection and therefore not taking any action.
If you are stressed, you might be thinking the outcome of a circumstance in life is not up to your expectations of perfection.
If you are waiting for when you are good enough, smart enough, ready enough, you most likely have fallen in the dark rabbit hole of perfectionism.
As an ex perfectionist, let me tell you first hand that perfection is an illusion. It is mission impossible. There is no such thing as perfection because there is always always always room for improvement.
Letting go of perfectionism can actually help you to excel more because contrary to popular belief perfectionists actually achieve less than those with healthier attitudes, because their focus on perfection robs them of motivation and as I mentioned earlier bring on procrastination and other negative self-defeating behaviors.
Well the good news is that perfectionism can be easily cured by reframing your perfectionistic thoughts.
I talked about how everything starts with awareness back in episode 76, it is true with overcoming perfectionism. Become Aware of Your Tendencies in seeking perfection is the first step to overcome it.
It is the consistency in your actions, not the perfections in your actions that will propel you forward. Done is always better than perfect.
Instead of constantly feeling disappointed, set more realistic expectations about yourself, others and about the timing you need to finish a project.
Instead of criticizing yourself, practice self-compassion. Give yourself grace for all that you have already accomplished. Think of the last time how amazing you felt when you finished a goal, so done is always better than inaction.
The only way to improve at something is to try, fail, and try some more. You are learning along the way so enjoy the process of learning and let’s make this journey a fun one!
Remember: It’s impossible to please everyone around you, don’t compare yourself to others, don’t overthink all the possible outcomes. Good is the enemy of great. But perfect is the enemy of everything.
Now repeat after me now:
I am unique, I am limited edition and I love love love the imperfect me!