In this episode, Lucy explains how positive self-talk can rewire our brains, creating new neural pathways that foster confidence and resilience. 



Hi everybody! It’s such a joy to be here with you today. This episode is to share with you something that has the powerful ability to transform your life, your career, and your connections. It’s something straightforward but significantly impactful and that is the power of positive self-talk.

You see, we all have this little voice inside our heads. It’s constantly chattering, and the things it says can either lift us up or tear us down. This is exactly what self-talk is. Now, imagine if this voice was always telling you how amazing, capable, and remarkable you are. Imagine the confidence you’d feel walking into any room or taking on any challenge.

Unfortunately, for many of us, myself included, that little voice isn’t always so kind. It might remind us of our past failures or predict future failures. It might tell us we’re not good enough, not smart enough, or not deserving of success or we are not ready for better. And here’s the kicker: we believe it! We let that voice dictate our self-worth, our daily habits, our thoughts and emotions, our actions, and ultimately, our lives.

Negative self-talk is like a cloud that dims our potential. It drains our energy, diminishes our confidence, and stops us from reaching our goals. When we constantly criticize ourselves, we reinforce a narrative that keeps us small. Think about it: would you let a friend or a loved one speak to you the way you sometimes speak to yourself? I bet not!

But here’s the good news: just as we can be our own worst critics, we can also be our greatest cheerleaders. Studies have shown that positive self-talk can rewire our brains. Neuroscientists have discovered that our thoughts can create new neural pathways. 

This means the more we practice positive self-talk, the more it becomes a natural part of our thinking process. We start to build new habits, new behaviors, and yes, newfound confidence.

So, how do we harness this power of positive self-talk? Here are three strategies:

  1. Awareness and Reflection: I probably say this about every topic I speak on, always start with awareness. First, become aware of your self-talk. Pay attention to what that little voice is saying. When you catch yourself in negative self-talk, pause and reflect. Ask yourself, “Is this thought true? Is it helpful?” Tell yourself: “oh there goes that negative self talk, gotcha!” Once you notice it, don’t react to it and stop letting it effect your feelings. 
  2. Reframe and Replace: Next, reframe those negative thoughts into positive affirmations. Instead of saying, “I’m terrible at this,” try saying, “I’m learning, and I’m improving every day.” Replace “I can not do this” with “I will find a way to do this.”
  3. Practice and Consistency: Finally, practice positive self-talk daily. Make it a habit. Start your day with affirmations. Write down three things you love about yourself every night. Surround yourself with positivity—whether it’s books, podcasts, or people.

Let me share a quick story with you. A few years ago, when I started this podcast, and I was terrified. My inner critic was in full force, telling me I wasn’t ready, that I’d make a fool of myself. That I was nobody. That I wasn’t THE Lucy Liu people are used to seeing on screen. But then I decided to try something different. I took a deep breath, looked in the mirror, and told myself, “You’ve got this. You are unique, and you are capable.” I repeated it over and over. And guess what? That simple shift in my mindset transformed my fear into excitement. And here I am, 4 years later, this podcast is still here to bring you weekly value to transform your life. 

Now, imagine what you could achieve if you made positive self-talk a daily practice. Imagine walking into every room, every opportunity, every challenge, knowing that you are enough, that you are capable, that you are worthy. Because you are! 

You ARE amazing!

You ARE remarkable!

You have superpower!

You are irreplaceable!

You are powerful!

You are everything that you dream to be!

So, I challenge you today to start speaking to yourself with kindness, encouragement, and belief. Rewrite your inner narrative to one that empowers you, builds you up, and boosts your confidence. Remember, the most important conversation you will ever have is the one you have with yourself. Make it a powerful one. Thank you & I’ll see you in the next episode.

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