As human beings, our intellect always longs for clarity and certainty, however, the reality is we often find ourselves in uncertainty.

Whether these uncertainties are caused by external circumstances like the pandemic that we just experienced in the past months or inner thoughts, uncertain time periods in our lives are inevitable. I’ve learned through the past decade to have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your hearts. Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security you truly have.

So you need to make the mindset shift from you are doomed not knowing what’s ahead to the new mindset of possibilities are endless and that makes uncertainty truly fascinating. Let me share a personal story with you. 

For the longest time my husband and I used to argue a lot because he is a last-minute travel person. We never have any trips planned ahead of time. I mean we usually a prior agreement the number of times we’re going to travel each year, however, the date and location and details, are never planned ahead of time.  In the first few years of our marriage this uncertainty gave me so much anxiety because of the unknown and when I scheduled my appointments I felt unsure and shaky. Then my experience completely flipped around when I realized I cannot change him, so instead I changed my mindset.  I no longer focused on the uncertainty, but instead I started to focus on the spontaneous joy that I look forward to having. When my husband books a plane ticket in the morning I became excited to pack my luggage with my little one so we could head to the airport and enjoy our spontaneous weekend getaways. You see, none of the outside circumstances changed, but because I changed my mindset, my experience became completely different. This is exactly why I love to preach the importance of mindset because circumstances are always neutral but you get to decide if it is positive or negative and when you choose positivity your reaction will determine your complete experience and therefore it will determine your life.

I used to hate aging, but now I enjoy aging because of the wisdom that comes with it. And uncertainty is the best kind of wisdom! How you react to uncertainty will determine the transformation of your life and soul. Use the times of uncertainty as your compass towards new growth ahead.

Simplicity, faith and a positive mindset are the keys to your thriving life. Keep things simple don’t overthink don’t overreact faith and believe there is a way and everything is happening for the best and remember to choose intentionally to be positive. The ability to embrace your uncertainties is the only way to your freedom.

Enjoy the beauty of becoming.

When nothing is certain, anything is possible. 

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